FAO elearning Academy

Forests and transparency under the Paris Agreement
Topic outline
- The objective of this course is to learn about the Enhanced Transparency Framework (EFT) under the Paris Agreement. It will be useful to those wishing to understand the importance of forest-related data collection, analysis and dissemination in meeting the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements.
- System RequirementsThe online version of this course runs on the latest versions of Chrome and Safari. In order to access this course on Internet Explorer or Firefox, you must install and enable Adobe Flash player.The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.
- AudienceIndividuals who would especially benefit from taking this course include:
- Heads of national forest authorities or ministry
- Climate or forest officers
- Students in forestry and environmental sciences
- You will learn about
- The importance of forests in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
- The progressive changes in moving towards the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement, illustrating how this could be addressed in the forest sector
- The principles and elements which guide the design and operation of a sustainable National Forest Monitoring System
- The importance of the National Forest Monitoring System to meet the requirement of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines of the ETF
- Course structureThe course consists of 3 lessons, of 30 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 – The Enhanced Transparency Framework and Forests
Lesson 2 – The National Forest Monitoring System
Lesson 3 – Forest data for the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement - Partners
- Digital Badge CertificationTo be granted a digital certification from the FAO e-learning Centre, you will have to take the final evaluation exam after you’ve finished a course.
Our digital badge certifications verify that you have achieved the learning outcomes and competencies outlined in FAO e-learning courses.
What is a digital badge?
Digital badges are online visual representations of learned skills and achievements earned in learning environments. They have already been adopted widely across a range of sectors and are being used to recognize both accredited and non-accredited learning in formal, informal and non-formal settings.
Badges can be displayed wherever earners want them on the web, and share them for employment, education or lifelong learning.
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